Smoked Pulled Pork Recipe

Smoked pulled pork is a delectable dish that will take your taste buds on a journey of smoky, tender, and flavorful goodness. Read on to discover the secrets of creating the perfect smoked pulled pork at home, with step-by-step instructions and expert tips.

Meta description: Discover the secrets to perfect smoked pulled pork - tender, flavorful, and mouthwatering. Get step-by-step instructions and expert tips for a truly memorable meal experience.


When it comes to barbecue, few things can beat the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of smoked pulled pork. This mouthwatering dish is a favorite at cookouts, parties, and family gatherings for its unbeatable combination of smoky flavors and tender texture. In this article, we will walk you through the process of smoking the perfect pulled pork at home, ensuring a truly memorable meal experience.


  • 5 to 6 pounds of pork shoulder or butt

  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar

  • 2 tablespoons of paprika

  • 2 tablespoons of kosher salt

  • 2 tablespoons of black pepper

  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder

  • 1 tablespoon of onion powder

  • 1 tablespoon of chili powder

  • 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)

  • 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar

  • Barbecue sauce (optional)

  • Buns or sliders for serving

Step 1: Prepare the pork

Start by trimming excess fat from the pork shoulder, leaving a thin layer for added flavor. In a small bowl, combine the brown sugar, paprika, kosher salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, and cayenne pepper. This will be your dry rub.

Step 2: Apply the dry rub

Generously coat the pork with the dry rub mixture, ensuring an even distribution on all sides. Massage the rub into the meat, allowing it to penetrate for maximum flavor. Wrap the pork in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight to let the flavors infuse.

Step 3: Prepare your smoker

Preheat your smoker to a temperature of around 225°F (107°C). Use your preferred smoking wood chips, such as hickory or applewood, to enhance the smoky flavors. Soak the wood chips in water for at least 30 minutes to prevent them from burning too quickly.

Step 4: Smoke the pork

Once the smoker is ready, place the pork shoulder on the cooking grate, fat side up. Close the smoker and let it work its magic. Maintain a steady temperature of 225°F (107°C) and smoke the pork for about 6 to 8 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 195°F (91°C). This slow and low cooking process ensures tender, juicy meat.

Step 5: Rest and shred the pork

Remove the smoked pork from the smoker and let it rest, wrapped in aluminum foil, for at least 30 minutes. This helps the juices redistribute, resulting in a more succulent end product. Using two forks, shred the pork into bite-sized pieces, discarding any excess fat.

Step 6: Optional sauce

If desired, mix the shredded pork with your favorite barbecue sauce. This adds a tangy sweetness to complement the smoky flavors. You can serve the sauce on the side as well, allowing guests to add as much or as little as they prefer.

Step 7: Serve and enjoy

Now that the smoked pulled pork is ready, it's time to assemble your sandwiches. Place a generous amount of pulled pork on a bun or slider, add some extra barbecue sauce, coleslaw, or pickles if desired, and enjoy the explosion of flavors with each mouthful.

Expert Tips for Perfect Pulled Pork:

  1. Invest in a good quality smoker or use a charcoal grill with indirect heat to achieve that irresistible smoky flavor.

  2. Let the pork rest after smoking to allow the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and flavorful end product.

  3. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the pork is cooked to the recommended internal temperature for safe consumption.

  4. If you prefer a spicier flavor, adjust the amount of cayenne pepper or add your favorite hot sauce to the dry rub.

  5. Experiment with different wood chips to change the flavor profile of your smoked pulled pork. Hickory, applewood, and cherry wood are popular choices.


Smoked pulled pork is a culinary delight that is well worth the time and effort. From preparing the pork to smoking it to perfection, this step-by-step guide has armed you with all the knowledge and tips you need to create a masterpiece of tenderness, flavor, and aroma. So fire up that smoker, gather your loved ones, and treat them to an unforgettable meal with your very own homemade smoked pulled pork!

smoked pulled pork recipe